Mentee Update: Jackie Droujko
The talented multi-disciplinary artist Jackie Droujko (2024 Future Art Directors Program) is working on the fifth episode from her Space Date series! What started out as a fun short project with her husband completed in two weeks became an annual tradition.
The funny shorts explore the silly dating scenarios the main character gets into during his pursuit of love in space. Here is one of those shorts! Click here to watch more.
In this next short, Jackie is exploring a hybrid 2D/3D pipeline and will be hiring animators to help complete the film. Jackie informs us:
"We're still crewing up! If you have experience with charming 2D character animation and are interested in lending us your skills, please DM either of us!"
She will be sharing every step of the process on her Youtube channel and on her Patreon. Keep going, Jackie! We can’t wait to watch your next short <3